Posture Pump

Neck Ups

Do not attempt these without direction from your doctor. Spinal Strengthening for Patients with Spondylolisthesis / Hyperlordosis Neck Up is designed to strengthen the muscles on the back of your neck. If you do a lot of sitting and have weak neck muscles, this exercise will be especially beneficial. Remember, good neck and upper back posture starts by sitting and standing with a strong, balanced position of the lower back.


Week 1

Position Instructions: Extend neck up and hold for 30 seconds then release. Do this daily.


Week 2

Position Instructions: Do the same as week one and continue for the rest of your life! Add Burnout: Extend neck up and down- like in the pictures above- as many times as you can until you “burn out.” Do this twice a week. (Example: Mondays and Thursdays)


Do not attempt these without direction from your doctor.

The Superman Series is designed to strengthen the muscles on the back of your body, including the arms, shoulders, neck, upper, mid, and lower back, and the gluteals. If you do a lot of sitting and have weak back muscles, these exercises will be especially beneficial. Remember, good neck and upper back posture starts by sitting and standing with a strong, balanced position of the lower back. The superman series is very demanding. If you have a spondylolisthesis, do NOT perform these exercises.

Superman Flying: Week 1

Position Instructions:

  • Lie on your stomach with your arms by your side, palms down.
  • With your neck extended, raise your head, arms, and legs as high as possible; try not to bend your knees.
  • Hold for 15 seconds.
  • Perform 1 repetition each day for Week 1.

Superman Flying: Week 2

Position Instructions:

  • Same Superman Flying exercise as Week 1, adding one rep to your set.
  • Perform 1 set of 2 repetitions each day for Week 2.
  • Rest for 10 seconds between reps.
  • Next week, we’ll do what we call “Burn-out”. Get ready!

Burn Out: Week 3 and Thereafter

Position Instructions:

Same Superman Flying exercises as Week 2 (1 set of 2 reps.)


  • Perform the Superman Flying quickly (without holding), as many times as you can, until you tire.
  • Then, relax legs and move hands to chest.
  • Extend neck up and down as many times as you can until you “burn-out”.

Repeat the Superman Flying and Burn-Out exercises every other day until you are 100!



Wobble Cushion Warm Up & Pettibon Wall Traction

Do NOT attempt these without direction from your doctor.

One of the best benefits of spinal re-engineering chiropractic care is that it corrects the underlying cause of many illnesses, rather than merely treating the symptoms. It improves posture, restores proper movement and mobility, improves spinal structure and in some cases completely stops or reverses spinal degeneration. To help speed up your healing process, Team Chiropractic will teach you exercises, based on your x-ray correction, to perform in the office and at home.

Wall Traction

  1. Adjust Traction so handles are at shoulder height.
  2. Elbows and knees should be against the wall with feet shoulder width apart.
  3. Place curved piece behind neck and the small pad on the handlebars under your chin. (TMJ patients place this piece on your forehead).
  4. Hold handles firmly; relax and bend kneesto experience traction pull in mid and low back.
  5. Begin with 10 repetitions and increase to 60/session when ready.

Deep, diaphragmatic breathing can enhance traction. Initial use may result in discomfort which can be controlled through ice for up to 15 minutes after traction.

Wobble Cushion Warm Up

Exercise One: Side Bends Bend to the right, while moving your hips to the left. Bend to the left while moving your hips to the right.


Exercise Two: Seated Cat/Camel 

Arch your back, bring your arms forward and tuck chin. Reverse that position, bring your elbows backwards and tilt your head back.


Exercise Three: Trunk Rotations
With your arms folded, swing your body to the right, keeping your head in line with your shoulders. While maintaining this position, swing back to the left.


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