Back Pain and Spinal Disc Problems

Your back is a vital part of your body that allows you to function daily. And unfortunately, it can begin to hurt or make you feel uncomfortable when something is wrong. When someone begins having issues with their back, it may be time to call a chiropractor. 

Hopefully, your back is just sore from normal wear and tear, however, sometimes the problems can be much greater. These issues can stem from problems with the discs in your back. 

With the exception of the first 2 vertebrae in the neck, there is an intervertebral disc between each vertebra of the spine. These discs act as shock absorbers and provide flexibility for your spine. Now imagine as you jump up and down, what would happen to the stack of bony vertebrae that make up the spine without the cushioning and support of these discs? 

Next, move your back from side to side and visualize the give and take of the discs between the vertebrae. Without these discs, your spine could not function. Below, we explore the root of spinal disc problems and what can help remedy the issue! 

Spinal Disc Problems: Finding the Root of the Cause

With age, our bodies begin to break down, and new ailments arise. This goes for our spines too! As we begin to approach 30 years of age, you can expect your spinal discs to gradually lose fluid volume. This happens slowly, over time. Due to this, problems with spinal discs happen. 

However, a bulging disc and herniated disc are often mistaken for one another. To truly understand the difference, let’s look at the science behind your spinal discs. 

Your discs are made up of the annulus fibrosus (the tough outer layer) and the nucleus pulposus (which contains a soft, gelatin-like center). When cracks or tears occur in the outer layer of the disc, the material inside of the disc can begin to push out. This first leads to the disc bulging and putting pressure on nerves and/or the spinal cord. If this bulging continues it can lead to a full herniation, which is even more serious. 

Many factors can cause a disc to bulge or herniate. The most common reasons are related to extra pressure due to spinal subluxation (misalignment of the vertebrae) and poor posture. 

However, these are not the only reasons for a bulging or herniated disc. 

Other causes can be: 

  • Poor Form: Lifting the wrong way, like at the waist, instead of utilizing your legs, can cause injuries.
  • Injury: Any high-impact trauma can cause issues to your spinal discs.
  • Wear and Tear: Over the years your discs can naturally begin to break down and not be as flexible as they use to be.
  • Repetitions: Your back may see repeated motions or have a similar posture day to day.
  • Obesity: Carrying extra weight, can put additional strain on your back and spine.

Now that you know how ailments can arise with your spinal discs, it is time to learn how these issues can be identified by your chiropractor or a doctor. There are several ways to diagnose issues with spinal discs and identify if you have a bulging or herniated disc. 

First, you can expect a physical exam to be conducted, including an understanding of how your back is hurting you and for how long. If the doctor wants to evaluate further, which most will, it will often lead to tests like MRI, x-ray, and myelogram with CT scan. After that, your doctor or chiropractor can identify what your root issue is and work on a plan to best help limit or relieve your pain. 

What Can Help Fix Spinal Disc Problems?

The next question is, what does care for your identified issue look like? Whether you have a bulging or herniated disc, the chiropractor or doctor will be sure to put you on a plan for recovery. Chiropractic care is a preferred treatment method, and often the first step most patients will want to take. 

spinal disc problems

There are multiple reasons for this, but most often, a chiropractor will try to find a non-invasive way to help you feel better.  This is the best route to healing for many patients, as they desire to find relief without drugs or any type of injection. 

Once you have identified the cause of your pain, you and your chiropractor can work together to find the best possible solution to help you manage or eliminate your pain. 

Chiropractic adjustments to these subluxated areas, as well as target spinal re-engineering exercises, can help re-establish proper spinal alignment. This alleviates pressure on these discs, allowing for a reduction in nerve pressure and any associated pain or symptoms. 

Start Fixing Your Spinal Disc Problems Today with Team Chiro

Anyone can crack a back, neck, or knuckles. However, only a spinal engineer can truly fix the spinal issues you are facing and generate the greatest long-term relief. At Team Chiropractic, our team of qualified spinal engineers works hard to create a custom treatment plan according to what your body needs for long-term restoration. 

With over 25 years of service, we are the leading spinal adjustment practice in the Raleigh area and are uniquely suited to help relieve your sciatica pain through safe, professional spinal adjustment. Our Certified Chiropractic Extremity Practitioners (CCEP) and Certified Chiropractic Sports Physicians (CCSP) enables us to correct the overall biomechanics, which enables you to hold your correction. 

We believe in the six essentials to healthy living: spiritual/mental alignment, physical alignment, nutritional alignment, exercise in alignment, rest in alignment, and removing chemical stress. By offering both services and products that adhere to the six essentials, we help promote an overall health and wellness treatment for every client who comes through our doors. 

If you or someone you know is experiencing disc-related issues or is looking for neck or low back pain relief in Raleigh, we are here to help! Contact us online today or give us a call at 919-788-8881 to schedule your initial appointment and x-ray. We look forward to helping restore your health.

Dr. Mohar

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